Alex MacLean

The Wilderness Breach and Flood Delta, Fire Island, NY. September 2018 Fire Island is a 32-mile barrier island off the southern shore of Long Island. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy breached Fire Island in three places. Two of the breaches were filled in, but the third breach know as the Wilderness breach has remained open dividing the island in half. The boat and wake in the western channel gives scale to the breach and the resulting underwater sand bars.

Trees from two directions, Houston TX. 2017 The overflow of the Buffalo Bayou after Hurricane Sandy flooded the usually dry Baker Reservoir on the west side of Houston. The Reservoir doubles as parkland and floodwater storage. During this flood stage, the view from above and reflection on the water's surface offers a combined perspective of viewing from above and below the trees.

Wetland Waterfront Properties, Mystic Island, NJ. October 2010 Mystic Islands developed in the 1960 and ’70s with a matrix of alternating roads and dug canals offered waterfront and ocean access to homeowners. Today the permitting of this development is difficult to fathom. These homes and their supporting infrastructure are a collective liability with rising sea level, stronger storms and storm surges, and the loss of coastal wetlands and habitat.
- Meg Alexander
- Mark Bradley-Shoup
- Candice Smith Corby and William Pettit
- William Ciccariello
- Cut, Stitch, Paste
- Amelia Hankin
- Rachel Hellmann
- Imi Hwangbo
- Thomas Jackson
- Alex MacLean
- Heather McGill
- Amanda Means
- Andrew Millner
- David Moore
- Isabel Riley
- Cristi Rinklin
- Kay Ruane
- Evelyn Rydz
- Marc Schepens
- Vaughn Sills
- Deb Todd Wheeler
- Ion Zupcu